Sure, you can borrow my Ferrari

Can you imagine saying “Sure, you can borrow my Ferrari” ? My guess is that when it comes to your own Ferrari, you think twice before tossing the keys to a friend or family member so they can take it for a spin.  My thoughts go to… I know you have a...

Choosing an Agent based on Price

Choosing an agent based on price can be a big mistake… Selecting the best agent can be counter-intuitive if you don’t look at this decision from all angles. Sometimes, my assessment of the likely Sale Price is below what a Seller was hoping for.  Sure, I...

Estate Planning and Elder Law

A few weeks ago a good friend of mine enthusiastically referred me to an attorney who specializes in estate planning and elder law.  My friend and his wife are approaching retirement and these two topics were front and center in their mind. My guess is that most of us...