These will probably not surprise you at all. But if some of these catch your attention, you may have a little work to do… Don’t worry, we ALL do!
Here they are:
- They actively listen
- They make a great first impression
- They’re accountable for their mistakes
- They do what they say they’ll do
- They treat everyone with respect
- They ask questions instead of making assumptions
- They laugh
- They live their own life – not one that is held hostage by the opinions of others
- They follow-up
- They smile
- They remember your name
- They offer to help
- They aren’t afraid to make mistakes
- They send Thank You notes
- They encourage others
- They speak slowly and confidently
- They don’t judge you
- They apologize
- The forgive and don’t keep score
- They don’t speak for you
- They know how to give a compliment
- They know how to receive a compliment
- They tell the truth
- They celebrate others
- They have good body language
- They don’t criticize others
- They give you their undivided attention
- They don’t make you feel defensive
- They don’t take credit for other people’s successes
- They maintain good eye contact
- They let you do most of the talking
- They know how to have a tough conversation
- They admit when they are wrong
- They are consistent
- They don’t interrupt
- They are not afraid to be vulnerable
- They don’t exaggerate
- They can laugh at themselves
- They are optimistic without being unrealistic
Take notice that these behaviors are not tricks or tactics. They are genuine, admirable traits that breathe life into relationships. Think of some more? Comment below – We would be happy to add them to the list!