Think Like a CEO

Think Like a CEO

Hands down, Season One is the best recap of Gary Keller’s story I have heard in my 18 years at Keller Williams Realty! I have enjoyed every episode all the way from that first season through the recent one described as a “Dive deep into our society’s...
The ONE Thing

The ONE Thing

I re-discovered The ONE Thing Book in July 2020 after having been around the book since 2013 as a real estate agent with Keller Williams Realty. It was written by our founder Gary Keller and his co-author Jay Papasan. It has been amazing that I have heard the...
Business Made Simple

Business Made Simple

I discovered Donald Miller through his book Building a StoryBrand. That led to a total messaging overhaul for my real estate business as I realized that I had just followed the norm for real estate agents for 25 years. About that same time, Donald Miller also...
Mapped Out Money

Mapped Out Money

Nick True hosts a great class on a budgeting app called YNAB (You Need a Budget). He is SO great at bringing the topic of personal budgeting into reach with grace and purpose. I am now enjoying his podcasts. Here is a link....