Estate Planning and Elder Law

by | May 14, 2013 | Sellers

A few weeks ago a good friend of mine enthusiastically referred me to an attorney who specializes in estate planning and elder law.  My friend and his wife are approaching retirement and these two topics were front and center in their mind. My guess is that most of us have heard the term “estate planning”.  The term Elder Law was new to me though.  So, I arranged a meeting with Victoria Collier to find out more.  After attending one of her workshops I got a sobering picture of what it can feel like to procrastinate in these areas.

Strategy and Planning result in the most informed decisions and fewest unpleasant surprises.  Estate Planning and Elder Law definitely fit into that category. I believe Victoria Collier will be a great asset to our team for our clients as we navigate complicated scenarios with their real estate.  One of the biggest ah-ha’s I had from the workshop is that estate planning and trusts are not just for the ultra-wealthy.  In fact the fewer resources one has available, the more crucial it becomes to stretch them as far as they will go!  The rules are complicated and even professionals can give erroneous advice if they do not specialize in this field.  These are crucial issues that unfold at the most vulnerable time of life.  Please, please plan ahead – at least for the basics.

Here is a link to Victoria and her firm.

Victoria Collier Law Firm

 Suspect someone you know is being affected by Alzheimer’s?  Click here for a resource Kit


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