One Bag a Week

by | Nov 11, 2019 | Downsizing

My wife and I are entering the empty nester phase ourself. Se we decided to become a test pilot for this idea and fill up “One Bag a Week” for the next year and remove it from our house. Here’s the plan:

  • Each week can have a theme
  • It can be trash, recyclables, clothes for Goodwill, old toys, broken things, expired food from the pantry, you name it.
  • The beauty is that if it IS trash, it can go right out with the weekly trash at no extra expense.
  • Fill up 50 bags over 50 weeks with 2 weeks off for vacation
  • At the end of the year, 50 HUGE bags of excess stuff will have been removed from my house and my life. Just the thought of it is liberating 🙂

It’s November 2019; Stay tuned to see how it goes.


Disclaimer: This is not sponsored by Husky (yet). They just make my favorite heavy duty bags so that is what I decided to use. They also come 50 to a box which makes it easy for this challenge! And, no, you do not have to fill each one up – they can get heavy.


One way to make moving easier is to get rid of your excess stuff!

It will lighten your load – both physically and emotionally. That is why we recommend people do this up front – WAY up front. Which brings us to the “One Bag a Week” Challenge

My wife and I are entering the empty nester phase ourself. Se we decided to become a test pilot for this idea and fill up “One Bag a Week” for the next year and remove it from our house. Here’s the plan:

  • Each week can have a theme
  • It can be trash, recyclables, clothes for Goodwill, old toys, broken things, expired food from the pantry, you name it.
  • The beauty is that if it IS trash, it can go right out with the weekly trash at no extra expense.
  • Fill up 50 bags over 50 weeks with 2 weeks off for vacation
  • At the end of the year, 50 HUGE bags of excess stuff will have been removed from my house and my life. Just the thought of it is liberating 🙂

It’s November 2019; Stay tuned to see how it goes.


Disclaimer: This is not sponsored by Husky (yet). They just make my favorite heavy duty bags so that is what I decided to use. They also come 50 to a box which makes it easy for this challenge! And, no, you do not have to fill each one up – they can get heavy.

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