Selling a Luxury Home in Atlanta

by | Apr 13, 2013 | Sellers

Selling a Luxury Home in Atlanta? Here is a guide to the territory and we are finding that “business as usual” is typically not enough to succeed.  The chart below shows a comparison in available homes for sale inventory between December 2012 and December 2011.  The good news is that sellers of luxury homes are facing less competition.

Atlanta Home Inventory Chart by price point


The sobering news is that the failure rate for luxury listings in Atlanta is still running about 50%.  The chart below shows that in December 2012, the percentage of homes between $1M and $1.5M actually increased slightly.

Atlanta Luxury Home Listing Failure Rate


What we find most interesting in the numbers is that the fundamentals required to sell homes in lower price ranges also work for homes priced in the luxury realm.  And yet, luxury sellers and agents seem to value “connections” more than work ethic and savvy market placement… Not surprising but perplexing nonetheless!  If all it took was the right connections to get your luxury property sold, more of them would be selling because everyone has connections.  Often when interviewing with potential sellers we will hear phrases like “I see their signs everywhere”.  Our response is “you see them everywhere because those signs do not come down very fast”.

Luxury Homes need the broadest exposure to reach the limited pool of truly qualified buyers.  That is what we offer through

LuxuryRealEstate chart

As a luxury seller, we believe you need a very responsive agent, high impact marketing and a solid, defendable strategy for selling your home.  Here is the energy we bring to selling homes in the luxury market:
[embedplusvideo height=”457″ width=”760″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=wwGklIy7zAk&width=760&height=457&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2399″ /]

Atlanta Luxury SignDon’t take our word for it though.  Here is what success feels like for one of our recent sellers.

Want to preview our approach to selling your home?

Keller Williams Realty has emerged as a major player in Atlanta’s luxury home market by quietly bringing most of the buyers to the closing table.

We are ready to help you succeed too!

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