The Gary Keller Story

by | Apr 28, 2013 | Leadership

I have heard the Gary Keller Story many times over the past 10 years and yet this interview really brought it down to earth for me!  This is definitely worth watching as Gary describes how he faced adversity, failure, desperation and then success.  Makes me wonder how many people in his position would refuse to take credit for the explosive growth for a company they started.  And yet, for Gary it seems very clear that his focus on the agents was what kept the company grounded in reality.  Gary continually sought feedback from the agents and was willing to listen to it.  He was also willing to turn over control and return to his passion for teaching – his ONE Thing.  Today, he credits much of the growth of the company to his hiring of Mo Anderson as CEO.  When someone once referred to him as the company’s “Founder”, he scolded them and referred to what he did as “Floundering”.  Clearly, an example of what John C. Maxwell refers to as Failing Forward.

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Gary Keller’s latest book co-authored with Jay Papasan, The ONE Thing, is yet another best-seller with an even broader audience.  This book is not a real estate book at all.  It is a book about focus, priorities and life “on purpose”.

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